# Welcome to the North Clee community forum.
The forum was setup by [Big Local North Cleethorpes](http://www.biglocalnorthcleethorpes.org.uk) to get members of the community in Cleethorpes to discuss local issues that matter to them. The plan was always to hold forum meetings at our community building (at 82 Grimsby Road) and maybe one day we’ll be doing that too, but Covid-19 in 2020 meant we've started the forum off online instead.
Some of the content is public and available for all to read. Some discussions on some topics have more private SPACES where those conversations take place. That’s not to say you can’t get involved - you might just need to request access to those SPACES if the topics interest you.
To be able to comment or get involved in discussions you’ll need to register (for free) and get an account. We do ask about what your connection to North Cleethorpes is as it is important that the Forum involves local people in local issues.
Of course we’ve got some rules for behaviour (see here) but we hope everyone will participate appropriately.
Why not Facebook? Lots of reason really (see here), but mainly we want to be able to control our own site, data and engagement with local community members rather than faceless algorithms with the lack of control that Facebook provides. Anything you don’t like or understand about this site - contact us at Big Local directly.
We have a lot of different types of discussion going on about North Cleethorpes and you only need to follow or get involved in discussions around topics that your are interested in or can contribute to. There's [the formal DIRECTORY of SPACES here](https://biglocalnorthcleethorpes.org.uk/northclee/index.php?r=directory%2Fdirectory%2Fspaces), but we’ve got [a summary of the conversations here](https://biglocalnorthcleethorpes.org.uk/northclee/index.php?r=custom_pages%2Fview&id=15&cguid=93f716eb-1529-4ea1-a974-a64787fdc703).