Access Ramp at Cleethorpes Station

The access ramp joins North Promenade to Cleethorpes Railway Station concourse making access to the Station for all users much easier.

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Ramp at Cleethorpes Railway Station 2020 from North Promenade sponsored by Big Local North Cleethorpes

In 2018 there was a major redevelopment of an unused building on the Railway Station. The building was refurbished and reopened as a Cycle Hub. This was a large project with many partners and many funders including the Council, Network Rail, Heritage Funders and more. Big Local North Cleethorpes contributed at the time around £15000 to ensure a cycle ramp/access ramp could be provided. The ramp is still accessible in 2024 and will be for a long time as a Big Local lasting legacy.

it’s easy access now from North Promenade to the station platforms
step access to the ramp from North Promenade

Our Reflections website includes more information about the project refurbishing the Cycle Hub building when this ramp was installed.

As of 2025, the old Cycle Hub building on the railway station is the TickART Office managed by We Are Fish.