Back in 2013, the first steps were taken in North Cleethorpes on what would be a decade-long lottery funded programme to support the residents of the area. Big Local North Cleethorpes was born. By 2025 that programme will have formally ended, but many of the projects, initiatives and ideas started through the Big Local programme continue to deliver or be available for local residents.
This website explains what is currently available, active or accessible and how you can connect to the legacy from that ten-year Big Local programme.
Read a more detailed overview of Big Local North Cleethorpes here.
Headlines and Updates
- We now post news and updates to our Facebook page rather than blogging. So make sure you follow us there.
- Our latest printed newsletter is from June 2024 and can be found here.
- Our next community event details can be found here.
- The final stage of the funded Big Local North Cleethorpes programme will be to review everything we’ve done and achieved since 2013, and a new website will be launched by the end of 2024 to reflect on our work. This will be accompanied by a publication; a final video charting our journey and a celebration event. Watch this space (and Facebook) for updates.
- Our main website at has changed. It’s been replaced with this new website and the old website is slowly being dismantled in the background. Everything you need to know now can be found on this new /continued website.
Active North Cleethorpes initiatives
The Community Hub at 82 Grimsby Road continues to be the base for community partners VANEL and Capacity Buildings who deliver a wide range of programmes supporting North East Lincolnshire including North Cleethorpes. We’ve got the Hub itself and the Red Shed and the community garden.
Our community hub hosts a number of social, crafts and arts groups for local residents.
And most months we try to put on an event to bring residents into the building.
Keep an eye on Facebook for the latest news about ongoing events and groups.
We continue to produce an occasional newsletter. Copies of which can be obtained from 82 Grimsby Road (or found online).
Community Safety Support
Community Safety has been an ongoing focus for Big Local North Cleethorpes. Especially supporting older or more vulnerable people. Many parts of our support are still operating and available.
Our Keeping Older People Safe (KOPS) programme continues to work with partners to provide older residents across North Cleethorpes with advice and support. We publish an occasional KOPS newsletter. KOPS encompasses the various direct support projects we offer.
We work with VANEL to support Neighbourhood Watch groups across North Cleethorpes.
And we continue to provide scams/fraud awareness talks and workshops to groups in North Cleethorpes working with VANEL and Fraudwatch. Contact us for advice on scams or to organise workshops.
We’re hosting monthly Community Safety drop-in’s with the local Neighbourhood Policing Teams at 82 Grimsby Road every 2nd Wed of the month 11am-12noon.
Stay Safe guides were first written for Cleethorpes residents during covid. Full of important advice they have now been reprinted many times in many editions. The latest edition is online, but printed copies can still be collected from 82 Grimsby Road.
Big Local has invested in a couple of Community Shredders across North Cleethorpes too. Find out more.
Arts, Leisure, Culture and Heritage
Big Local North Cleethorpes has invested in a variety of arts, crafts and cultural events. But some of our investments continue to still be accessible and available.
Big Local has commissioned a number of pieces of local artwork during festivals. And there are a number of murals and urban art pieces that can be found around Cleethorpes.
We have an “Urban Art Trail” page available which helps encourage people to explore the area.
Clee.TV is a Youtube/Facebook film channel that Big Local created alongside Hammond House Productions a number of years ago. It’s full of videos that we’ve commissioned about local projects or of interest to local people. It continues to show content and has enabled growth of the Heritage Channel for Cleethorpes from our original investment.
During Covid Big Local invested in “Book the Band” – a website to showcase local musical talent. It still exists and many of the featured artists continue to play locally.
A “Green Route” around North Cleethorpes was prepared as part of a heritage project a few years ago and encourages people to wander around Cleethorpes whilst learning about the green and open spaces. The maps and leaflets can still be collected from 82 Grimsby Road.
Environmental and Youth Projects
The Green Influencers programme gets young children involved with environmental projects. Currently there are a couple of groups running in North Cleethorpes that have been supported by Big Local North Cleethorpes funding.
The group at Reynolds Family Hub also has been able to take advantage of the refurbished and revitalised outdoor space that Big Local and numerous volunteers have supported to be regenerated.
Legacy Projects
The Pavilion on Sussex Recreation Ground was the very first major investment and project from Big Local North Cleethorpe. The Pavilion is now run by We Are Fish and continues to open to the local community for events and more. Find out more.
And within the dog walking area of Sussex Rec we also invested in a bench!
Planters containing palm trees now are put out each season to brighten up North Prom thanks to an investment from Big Local.
And these days there is easier access to Cleethorpes station concourse thanks to an access ramp from North Promenade that was directly funded by Big Local.
For a quick INDEX to everything that’s currently still active and available take a look here.
Any more questions, please get in touch.