Keeping Older People Safe (KOPS)

Keeping Older People Safe (KOPS) is a programme which does exactly what it sounds like – it’s about delivering initiatives that focus on older people and focus on their safety and wellbeing.

Themes covered by KOPS include crime prevention; personal or home safety; scams and fraud awareness; fire prevention; preparing for emergencies, and accessing support and wellbeing services.

KOPS is a partnership between VANEL, Capacity Buildings Ltd and Big Local North Cleethorpes. All partners have used a range of funding sources to contribute to the programme and initiatives vary month by month. And KOPS works with other agencies, especially the Neighbourhood Policing Teams, but also Ward Councillors, Humberside Fire and Rescue, Trading Standards and other delivery partners in the community sector.

Current components of KOPS include:

Stay Safe Guides – printed and online – with a wide range of useful safety advice

KOPS newsletters – very occasional printed newsletters with up to date advice

Scams / Fraud Awareness talks and drop-ins

An online website (still under development) at

Free “No Cold Caller” window stickers

Neighbourhood Watch support – forming new groups and supporting and growing new groups

Some initiatives deliver in different parts of North East Lincolnshire, but Big Local North Cleethorpes supports the programme to deliver specifically in North Cleethorpes. We work closely with the Sidney Sussex and Croft Baker Neighbourhood Policing Teams and local ward councillors.

Karl Elliott leads on the KOPS programme and should be contacted for more information.