Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch is a tried and tested way to bring neighbours together in an approach that tackles crime, community safety, isolation and more.

In North East Lincolnshire, Neighbourhood Watch is overseen by Karl Elliott at VANEL who is the multi-scheme administrator for the borough. Karl is part of Humberwatch which is the Force Area Association for Neighbourhood Watch covering the whole of the Humberside Policing area. Everything about Neighbourhood Watch and community safety initiatives can be found on the local website

In North Cleethorpes, Big Local North Cleethorpes has long supported community safety initiatives through the KOPS programme (Keeping Older People Safe) and one important element of this is supporting Neighbourhood Watch.

In Sidney Sussex and Croft Baker wards there are a couple of long established Neighbourhood Watch Groups and a few newer ones that have been created in the last few years through our support. In the past few years we’ve also supported Beacon Hill and Carr Lane allotments to become Allotment Watch groups in the style of site specific neighbourhood watch groups.

We’re always looking to help residents to form new groups, so if you have any interest in this, please contact Karl Elliott at VANEL/Big Local to discuss the next steps. Also please get in touch if you are an existing group wanting further support.